FUJIFILM X-S10 Autofocus Not Working: Causes and How to Fix It

FUJIFILM X-S10 Autofocus Not Working: Causes and How to Fix It

The FUJIFILM X-S10 is a highly regarded mirrorless camera, celebrated for its superior image quality, rapid autofocus system, and user-friendly operation. It’s an ideal choice for capturing everyday moments and is equally adept at both photography and videography. However, even with its impressive performance, users might occasionally face challenges, such as autofocus not working properly. This article is here to assist if you’re experiencing this issue with your FUJIFILM X-S10.

We will explore the various reasons why the autofocus might malfunction and offer practical solutions to resolve these problems. By identifying the root causes and applying the recommended fixes, you can restore the full functionality of your FUJIFILM X-S10’s autofocus system and continue enjoying a smooth photography or videography experience. Let’s delve into troubleshooting the autofocus issues of the FUJIFILM X-S10.

1. Incorrect Focus Mode

One of the possible causes of autofocus not working on your FUJIFILM X-S10 is that you have selected an incorrect focus mode. The X-S10 offers three focus modes: manual focus, single AF, and continuous AF. Each mode is suitable for different shooting scenarios and subjects. If you choose the wrong mode, the camera may not be able to focus properly or track the subject’s movement.

To change the focus mode, you need to access the shooting menu and select GAF/MF SETTING > FOCUS MODE. You can also assign a function button to control the focus mode for quick access. Here is a brief explanation of each focus mode and when to use it:

  • Manual focus: In this mode, you have to focus manually using the lens focus ring. You can use the focus peaking or focus check features to assist you in achieving sharp focus. Use this mode when you want full control over the focus or when the camera is unable to focus using autofocus (for example, in low light or low contrast scenes).
  • Single AF: In this mode, the camera locks the focus when you press the shutter button halfway. Use this mode for stationary subjects or subjects that are not moving much.
  • Continuous AF: In this mode, the camera continuously adjusts the focus to reflect changes in the distance to the subject while the shutter button is pressed halfway. Use this mode for subjects that are moving toward or away from the camera or across the frame.

To avoid autofocus issues, make sure you select the appropriate focus mode for your subject and scene. You can also choose different autofocus options (AF mode) to further customize how the camera focuses in each focus mode.

2. Manual Focus Mode Activated

Another reason why your FUJIFILM X-S10 may not autofocus is that you have accidentally activated the manual focus mode. This mode allows you to focus manually using the lens focus ring, but it disables the autofocus function of the camera. You can activate the manual focus mode by selecting [MANUAL FOCUS] for G[AF/MF SETTING] > [FOCUS MODE] in the shooting menu or by assigning a function button to control the focus mode.

To check if you are in manual focus mode, look at the LCD monitor or the electronic viewfinder. If you see a distance indicator or a focus scale at the bottom of the screen, you are in manual focus mode. You can also use the focus peaking or focus check features to assist you in achieving sharp focus. If you want to switch back to autofocus mode, you can either select [SINGLE AF] or [CONTINUOUS AF] for G[AF/MF SETTING] > [FOCUS MODE] in the shooting menu1 or press the function button that you assigned to control the focus mode.

Alternatively, you can use the AF+MF option, which allows you to use both autofocus and manual focus in the same shot. To enable this option, select [ON] for G[AF/MF SETTING] > [AF+MF] in the shooting menu. With this option, you can first use autofocus to focus on your subject by pressing the shutter button halfway, and then fine-tune the focus manually using the lens focus ring. This option is useful when you want to have more control over the focus or when the autofocus is not accurate enough.

To avoid autofocus issues caused by manual focus mode activation, make sure you are aware of the focus mode that you are using and how to change it quickly. You can also customize the function buttons and the focus ring to suit your preferences and shooting style.

3. Autofocus Lock Engaged

A third cause of autofocus not working on your FUJIFILM X-S10 is that you have engaged the autofocus lock. This feature allows you to lock the focus on a specific part of the scene, and then recompose the shot without changing the focus. This is useful when you want to focus on an off-center subject or when the camera’s autofocus system is confused by multiple subjects in the frame.

To use the autofocus lock, you need to assign a function button to control the AE/AF LOCK mode. You can choose from three options: AE & AF ON/OFF SWITCH, AE & AF ON WHEN PRESSING, and AE & AF OFF WHEN PRESSING. The first option works like a toggle switch, the second option works like a push-to-lock button, and the third option works like a push-to-unlock button. You can also choose whether to lock both the exposure and the autofocus, or just one of them.

To check if you have engaged the autofocus lock, look at the LCD monitor or the electronic viewfinder. If you see an AF-L icon at the top of the screen, you have locked the autofocus. You can also see the focus area and the distance indicator at the bottom of the screen. If you want to release the autofocus lock, you can either press the function button that you assigned to control the AE/AF LOCK mode or press the shutter button halfway.

To avoid autofocus issues caused by autofocus lock engagement, make sure you are aware of the AE/AF LOCK mode that you are using and how to release it quickly. You can also customize the function buttons and the AE/AF LOCK mode to suit your preferences and shooting style.

4. Low Light or Low Contrast Scenes

Low light or low contrast scenes can also affect the autofocus performance of your FUJIFILM X-S10. This is because the camera’s autofocus system relies on detecting contrast differences between adjacent pixels to determine the focus distance. When the light is dim or the scene is uniform, the contrast is low and the camera may struggle to find a focus point or hunt back and forth.

To overcome this challenge, you can try the following tips:

  • Use a lens with a wide aperture, such as the XF 35mm F1.4 R or the XF 56mm F1.2 R. A wide aperture allows more light to enter the lens and increases the contrast in the scene.
  • Use a flash or an external light source to illuminate the subject. This will also increase the contrast and help the camera focus faster and more accurately.
  • Use the AF assist illuminator, which emits a beam of light to assist the autofocus in low light conditions. You can enable or disable this feature via A [AF/MF SETTING] > [AF ILLUMINATOR] in the shooting menu.
  • Use the focus peaking or focus check features to assist you in manual focusing. You can activate these features by pressing the rear command dial or assigning a function button to control the MF ASSIST mode.
  • Adjust the image quality settings to increase the contrast in the scene. You can do this by selecting A [IMAGE QUALITY SETTING] > [HIGHLIGHT TONE], [SHADOW TONE], or [COLOR] in the shooting menu and choosing a higher value.
  • Choose a different shooting mode or scene position that is suitable for low light or low contrast situations. For example, you can use the [NIGHT] or [NIGHT (TRIPOD)] modes in the [SP] () scene position.

By following these tips, you can improve the autofocus performance of your FUJIFILM X-S10 in low light or low contrast scenes and capture sharp and clear images.

5. Lens Compatibility Issues

Lens compatibility issues can also cause autofocus problems on your FUJIFILM X-S10. This is because some lenses may not be fully compatible with your camera, leading to issues such as inaccurate or slow autofocus, or no autofocus at all. This can happen when you use older lenses, third-party lenses, or lenses that are designed for a different mount system.

To avoid lens compatibility issues, you should research the lens compatibility before purchasing or using a lens with your FUJIFILM X-S10. You can use the official compatibility chart from FUJIFILM to check which lenses are compatible with your camera. You can also use the lens compatibility chart from Lensora, which offers a more detailed and interactive comparison of different lenses for your FUJIFILM X-S10.

If you already have a lens that is not fully compatible with your FUJIFILM X-S10, you may still be able to use it with some limitations or adjustments. For example, you may need to use an adapter to mount the lens on your camera, or you may need to use manual focus instead of autofocus. You may also need to update the lens firmware or the camera firmware to improve the compatibility and performance of the lens.

By following these tips, you can prevent or resolve lens compatibility issues on your FUJIFILM X-S10 and enjoy the autofocus function of your camera.

6. Dirty or Damaged Lens Contacts

Dirty or damaged lens contacts can also prevent your FUJIFILM X-S10 from autofocusing correctly. This is because the lens contacts are responsible for transmitting electrical signals between the lens and the camera. If the contacts are dirty, corroded, or damaged, the communication may be interrupted or distorted, resulting in autofocus errors or failures.

To avoid this problem, you should regularly clean the lens contacts with a soft, dry cloth or a cotton swab. You should also avoid touching the contacts with your fingers or exposing them to moisture, dust, or dirt. When changing lenses, you should do it quickly and carefully, and keep the camera and the lens caps on when not in use.

If the lens contacts are damaged, you may need to repair or replace the lens or the camera. You can contact FUJIFILM’s customer service or visit their authorized repair center for assistance. You can also check the troubleshooting guide on their website for more information.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the lens contacts are clean and functional, and improve the autofocus performance of your FUJIFILM X-S10.

7. Camera Firmware Outdated

The last cause of autofocus not working on your FUJIFILM X-S10 is that your camera firmware is outdated. The firmware is the software that controls the camera’s functions and performance. FUJIFILM regularly releases firmware updates to fix bugs, improve compatibility, and add new features. If you are using an old firmware version, you may experience autofocus issues or miss out on some of the latest improvements.

To avoid this problem, you should check the firmware version of your camera and update it if necessary. You can check the firmware version by turning on the camera while pressing the [DISP/BACK] button. The current firmware version will be displayed on the screen. You can also visit the FUJIFILM website to see the latest firmware version and the details of the updates.

If you need to update the firmware, you should follow the instructions on the FUJIFILM website carefully. You will need a formatted memory card, a fully charged battery, and a computer with an internet connection. You will also need to download the firmware file from the website and copy it to the memory card. Then, you will need to insert the memory card into the camera and start the update process. The firmware update may take several minutes and you should not turn off the camera or remove the battery or the memory card during the process.

Salik Waquas is a seasoned professional in the world of cinema, bringing over a decade of experience as a cinematographer and colorist. With an eye for capturing the perfect shot and a passion for enhancing the visual storytelling of films, he has made a significant mark in the industry. Aside from mastering the art of cinematography and color grading, Salik also enjoys sharing insights and knowledge through the written word. As a dedicated blogger in the film industry, His articles cover a wide range of film-related topics, offering readers a unique perspective and valuable insights into the world of cinema.